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Do you want to transform your money habits and your future?
Take control of your finances, starting today.
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Tons of content, free resources and practical strategies to help you achieve your financial success.

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You can’t control everything in life but you can control your money.

To have a better lifestyle you don’t actually need to earn more money. You just need to use the money you earn now—in a better way. Successful money management isn’t taught in schools and often it isn’t taught at home. So, how do you learn?

The financial secrets and strategies shared in The Money Messenger are simple to follow and suitable for all ages, whether just starting out or starting over. They are REAL. They WORK. They are TIMELESS.

This is not just another ‘money book’!

The financial planning industry secrets and strategies you need, all in one easy-to-read book.
With real-life examples and case studies.

Made the whole process of organising money so much easier and gave me all the answers I needed.

In the past, I had trouble with money and was not able to save. This book showed me how to stop living week to week and get ahead.

A unique book. Real-life ways to implement money awareness into everyday life.

Meet Angela Santalia, your Money Messenger

With over two decades of experience working in the Australian Financial Planning industry as a Financial Paraplanner (strategist) (Dip. FP), Angela has learned a lot about money, people, and which spending habits do and don’t work. In her work as the Money Messenger, Angela’s mission is to increase financial literacy in everyday Australians by educating and empowering people to take control of their finances, get out of debt and use their income in better ways to create the life they want.

Angela is also an investor herself and practices what she preaches. She’s never had any personal debt and built a sizeable property portfolio starting from zero, even after a challenging childhood.

Awarded ‘Entrepreneur of the Year’ Finalist in 2021 for Women in Finance and ‘Young Investor of the Year’ Runner Up in 2017 for Your Investment Property Magazine.

Outside of work, Angela loves travelling, Reformer Pilates, and spending time with friends and family. She is working towards her lifelong goal of living a “semi-nomadic” lifestyle by splitting her time between Melbourne and Budapest.

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